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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

In case you haven't gathered, Thanos is probably my favorite comic character.


  1. He is pretty cool.. I don't think I have a favorite superhero... Hm.. I'll think on it.

  2. I just came across your blog bro. You should check out mine too. I just got it started.

  3. Great artwork, btw have you been reading Thanos Imperative? It's great.

  4. I've read the first 3 issues so far, but I've decided I'm going to wait til it's in book form so I can get all of the other comics relating to it, but not the actual TI storyline with it. It's what I did for Annihilation and I have yet to regret that decision. (=
    But I was LOVING it while I was reading it.
